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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  March 30, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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totally happens. ♪ thank you, brett, and thank you for joining us here in "the war room." i hope you had a fantastic weekend, and we'll see you back here on monday night. ♪ >> you know, the republicans are going after president obama in a curious way by making him looking really tough watch. >> starring barack obama as mr. flexible. and vladimir putin as himself. >> i can't get enough of that. also george zimmerman's brother comes out and says that he is defending him. let's show you that, first. >> his nose looks swollen. a lot of these injuries take time, 24 hours, 36 hours to
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show. >> well, first of all i want to break that down in a big way. second of all when we look at that surveillance video on that, i have a new point that you done want to miss. it's important that we do that. finally we have drone porn. >> these videos now refer to as drone porn are becoming more and more popular attracting tens of millions of-- >> all right well, there has to be porn to show somewhere. it's go time. >> all right we've got a special kind of "the young turks" for you tonight. not only am i hosting but will you look at this? stephanie miller is here with us! not just stephanie miller from the legendary current television station, yes.
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>> but michael hastings from rolling stone. and the operators. so he's here with us as well. and all my fun friends are here, michael shure, ana kasparian and jesus. we're not even talking to jesus tonight. [laughing] >> all right, so let's get started. let me give you our first topic here everybody and it is mega mega mega million. up to $640 million. well, you know, if you win that, after they take out the taxes and if you take it up front as a lump sum you might as much money as mitt romney. so this gives us an opportunity to all of us, the 99% to join the 1% with mitt romney. who are buying all those mega million tickets.
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>> it will put a lot of people to work. >> we had over 100,000 jobs. >> i don't even concern myself wealthy which is an interesting thing. >> i have great friends who are nascar team owners. >> this is a way to dream yourself out of your current reality. >> i drive a mustang and a chevy pickup truck. >> 44% of people who win the lottery, they've gone through all of their winnings. >> i've made a lot of money. i've been very successful. i'm not going to apologize for that. 12,347 >> i'm trying to figure out what i would do first if i would talk with my nascar owning friends or. >> i don't know about you cenk, but alley gore only paid me enough to forward three to four car elevators for my separate cars and i need more.
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i need to overpay--i need to pay magic johnson to buy the dodgers from him until i'll be satisfied. >> let me go to michael hastings next. as you look at this. what is funny one of the things you could do if you won this kind of lottery is run for president. that's the only way you would have enough money. >> you could have the mega million bucks super pac. >> michael shure there are going to be two michaels on the show. we're in. >> we're all purchased. we're in. we're going to be the wealthiest people in television. >> now, i know you and you love politics. if we won now of course, we have to split it up here, would you--would you run for office? >> i may run for office anyway, but i will definitely--no, i'll buy a senate seat. >> he's more of a security guy.
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he would rough me up for $5. i was in the midst of getting my false eyelashes on and he shoved me in the mirror to get his cash cash. >> she begged me to be in this thing. >> whatever you say. >> now let me broaden this conversation out a little bit. we have endorsements of mitt romney. they're pouring in. but jayar has pointed out they're a little luke warm. let's run a bunch of these together now and take a look. >> i am an endorsement of romney. not only will he be the republican nominee but he offers a stark contrast to the president's record. >> he reminds me of kenny rogers. some of them have wasted a very good fight. >> mitt romney, i believe he's the right person for the job and i think this primary has been productive and constructive and it has made the candidates
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better. we're entering a phase where it would be counterproductive. >> it seems like they're saying, well, what am i going to do? it seems like itss mitt. >> first of all how account candidate get better in this primary, really, they're so amazing as it is. literally how inspiring was that? the delegate mass. yeh. that was a passionate endorsement. >> jayar as you look at the videos. you're the one who put these together. have you ever seen endorsements that were more milk toast. >> that's the thing. i've seen it over and over again how you may say how you're going to be so excited about someone. you know they're lying but they have to do it that way. they did it honest. he's here. no one else can win. i asked others if he would win but they're not in. i don't know how you're being so honest but lying about it at the same time.
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>> they're in politics. michael hastings. i look at that, and i think are they going to have a problem with their own base here if even their own guys are so reluctant to go, okay, i guess he won kind of. >> romney is so unappealing. it's almost as if politicians have to hold your nose when they endorse them. we're all politics politicians here, but it's even worse. if you look at the bush family endorsing romney it's been rolled out in the last few months. it didn't end with a bang but a whimper. >> that's a great point by michael. these guys who are selected the worse of the worse oh my god dennis is awesome. i love that guy. he's my leader. he turns around to mitt romney, oh yeah, i guess. >> they're not so passionate,
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any way. i wasn't going to do it. >> i love that you said that. there were two other awkward moments with george h.w. bush that we caught. let's go to that. >> george w. bush. >> you know, i haven't met with president george w. bush. we speak from time to time. >> we speak all the time. >> i know. >> all right so awkward moment, ana, were the talks. >> definitely, i liked the socks. it gives a little bit of pizzazz. >> i think go for it. you're 128 years old. you got colorful socks. >> and the pants are purposely short like that. you grew out of your pants. >> they're little old man pants that keep raising. >> i need to do that because i
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got a big gut. i put the pants over the gut and then it goes up to my nipples which is up absurd. >> that's awesome we can say nipples. >> thank you. the most relevant part is when he turns around and said, so, did w. endorse you. and barbara is, like, we'll talk about it later. >> by the way nipples the other thing that i found amazing about this is that they're the only picture, and you have to really look at this closely. the only pictures to look in-- in--the only picture of george w. push is bush is a tiny picture pushed way back in the family. >> one of the families that this family has ever endorsed. >> i've got a soft spot in my heart for george push, because
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if he doesn't know that his son didn't endorse mitt romney, and then barbara says, we'll talk about it later. >> usually there is someone who will watch what they're saying. when someone is starting to be handled with children's gloves, it's kind of sad because you know what he used to be. >> the other story is a serious story is the endorsement of george w. bush. nobody really wants it. will he even go to the convention. >> oh, come on. come on as hank williams jurors jr. would say. >> we went from the clinton-gore recession, as they say on fox news, to the obama--yeah exactly. nothing happened in between there, as you know. >> not at all.
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now crossroads, which is karl rove's group has put out a new ad. now let's watch this. >> in a world where one man cannot lose the fate of the world rests in one top-secret mission. >> after my election i have more flexibility. >> i understand. >> your mission is simple, mr. obama, win one last election to weaken our defenses and to pawn the world. dmitri will take the information. >> starring barack obama as
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president flexible. mr. dmitri as hezemekov. and vladimir putin as his himself. operation hot mic. >> first of all thatted a is really well done. doesn't that make him look like a bad ass. >> if i was to have an accident. it definitely would be russia. >> 1972, and dolph lundgren is still our biggest enemy. >> i can't wait for the sequel to that ad. >> what do you think rocky four will be the sequel to that ad. >> it's been so long since we've
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had good communist fear mongering. i was tired of fear mongering about al-qaida and the iranians, it will be better going to dead roots. >> when we come back we'll break down the zimmerman tape both his brother and himself. the one telling part that people are not talking about that you got to hear about when we come back. >> that's going to all come out. you're about to watch an ad message created by a current tv viewer for hershey's air delight. >>mommy, you're so smart, i feel like you know everything. >>you can ask me anything,
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anytime honey. >>mom, how do you say "hello" in spanish? >>hola. >>hey mommy, how many miles are there to the moon? >>238,854. >>hey mom, are ninjas still a big problem? >>no, honey. >>ha! >>hey mom, how do they get the bubbles into the hershey's air delight? >>i don't know, but it's delicious. >>[both laugh] >>hershey's air delight milk chocolate. a lighter, airier, meltier hershey's happiness. in 2012 alone. go to our website, up next it's out to the campaign trail. a surprising new poll, and that's next right here inside "the war room."
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>> all right we're back onioning turks, and i have some updates on the trayvon martin case that is very, very mourn. richard kurtz who saw trayvon martin's body before it was buried went on television. i think this is very important because we're talking about what
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kind of danger zimmerman claims he was in. let's listen to this. >> i could not tell there was any abuse a couple of days bruises can disappear but at least there would have been some evidence of abuse that was still visible, and that i did not see. the own thing that i was able to see was the gunshot wound that entered the chest other than that i could not see the evidence like he had been punching as the news media said that he was punching. it just didn't add up to me. >> this was incredibly important because there is the whole issue of whether there was a major fight. because in order for george zimmerman to have pulled out his gun and shoot him in self defense, he had to worry that his life was in danger. i assume a lot of you have already seen the surveillance
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tape and you saw that he didn't seem to have big scars bloody bruises, bloody nose. there appears to be something on the back of his head, it's a tiny little thing. look at his shirt there is no blood on it. if there is any blood it is minuscule. look at his shirt jacket, no blood. now some of you might have heard otherwise pointing out you know what, if he has no blood maybe he didn't have a broken nose which is a fair point and how bad could his injuries have been with no blood on them. loss think about this. george zimmerman claimed that his life was in danger and trayvon martin was on top of him pounding away on him and he had to pull his gun out and shoot him. if did he, wouldn't trayvon martin's blood be all over him. how did trayvon martin's blood not get on his shirt if he was
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under trayvon martin. that is inconceivable. he shot trayvon martin in a situation where he was not close enough to get blood on him. you can tell that from the tape. there is no question. i hope that become relevant evidence in this case as we hear about that improbable story that we're hearing in the media. i'll bring in proper and current professor eugene o'donnell with us. eugene, i want to ask you about that tape that we just saw as a former cop and prosecutor when you see no blood on a guy that claims self defense and then he shot someone who was literally on top of him doesn't that sound like a fishy story to say the least? >> yeah well, the whole story has--there has been a required to put it under scrutiny, and the more that you look at the story, the more that it doesn't seem to hold up to scrutiny.
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>> so, they also say zimmerman man, he's badly hurt. he's so badly hurt that he had to use lethal force. at most we see something on top of his head that is not bleeding. there seems to be no trace of a broken nose. i had my nose broken. it bled like crazy. i had enormous swelling. as a cop did you ever see a broken nose where there was no bleeding or bruising in a situation like that? >> the objectionable evidence shows that he seemed to be in pretty good shape when he went to the police station and did he not going to the hospital. you're taking his account which he has a motive to lie. he's facing criminal homicide charges and you're pain stainingly taking the evidence piece by piece that is credible and believable and you hold it up against the claim that he
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makes. the same, the police were overwhelmed by this claim purported injuries plus whatever eyewitness accounts they had they found that sufficient to pretty much summarily dismiss a homicide case in the face of the fact that i think the evidence when you look at it totality shows clearly this is a man who was on a mission that night. this is a man who had deliberately set out to maybe a deliberate decision to find this young man to, follow this young man, and he would not be stopped even when the police said don't continue this pursuit. he was held bent on continuing this pursuit. you look at that objective evidence. it's pretty rare to have these kinds of tapes. usually you're trying to guess what is in nobody's mind in the events leading up to, and in this case the events that he precipitated that led up to this
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event. you have inarguable set of facts out of his own mouth that these expletive people get out of the way. when you hold up the reliable evidence against this claim and whatever purported injuries he has, certainly it becomes more baffling as to why the police did not make a summary arrest. >> i've paid someone a lot of money to break my nose. it was not a "fight club," it was a plastic surgeon yes there is blood and swelling. he they cleaned him up at the crime scene did they also take him to the land row mat because as cenk said, how could there be no blood on your clothes. >> these are all good questions. and if there was any good that came out of this case it's having people look at the criminal justice system and it's
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imperfections and asking questions. but obviously there is no ah-ha evidence where you pick up a piece of evidence and say this early unequivocally established one way or another what happens but there is a strong, a strong reliable evidence that indicates that this is not a justifiable shooting. >> all right, let me do two other things. let me bring in a criminal defensively rights attorney. she has worked on some of the biggest cases in the country and i want to show both of you guys a clip about george zimmerman's brother. let's watch. >> we're confident the medical records are going to explain all of george's medical history. his snooz looks as wellen as swollen in that video. many injuries take 24 hours to 36 hours to show. he was moving his head from the
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concrete to the grass so if he was banged one more time he wouldn't be wearing diapers for the rest of his life and spoon fed by hisrother. >> linda if you were on east side-- >> i'm pulling my hair out. >> i know. you're on the prosecution side and they come to you and say this guy was within an inch of his life and he might have to wear diapers for the rest of his life. >> first of all, we don't have the autopsy report on the young man who was the victim yet trayvon martin. that will tell a lot. and think guy was not taken to the hospital. the police don't like to be sued cenk. if they have someone they have in custody even if they haven't arrested him on formal charge and he's almost within an inch of being unconscious they're going to take him to the hospital. also on videotape you notice how the cops were touching the
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jacket and all of mr. zimmerman. they wipe it off a little bit. if there was blood on that jacket, the cops would be calling for, give call 911 myself because i might have communicable disease. when i hear the brother saying this could have been done in hatred and how zimmerman had to shoot trayvon because trayvon was trying to disarm this guy. trayvon is trying to disarm this guy who has a weapon. it's a big begun. >> right, it was a .9mm. >> could i just add yeah. >> yeah, i want to go to you. >> i just want to add the characterization of medical records. unless there was medical treatment, i don't think most of us in the prosecution business
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would regard these as medical records. this is an ambulance report taken at the scene. unless he received medical treatment that is miss characterizing to say these are medical reports. he's treated and released at the scene. >> both police and prosecutor. break down how that works when apparently the lead investigator wanted him arrested, and the state attorney said no. does that happen often and if it does is that an unusual case? why would that happen? can you break that down for us? >> sure. it's the nature of--you got to watch lawyers sometimes. i don't know what the whole scenario here is, but being on both sides it's the nature of prosecutors, they want to have the strongest possible cases to have no weaknesses. they like the police to investigate until--forever.
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all self defense cases are problematic. all cases have loose ends. this case will never be investigated to a certainty. no case ever is. but this is about as on the basis of the evidence that has become available this is about a strong of a case you could conceive of again with the understanding that those tapes i think any prosecutor here would realish the opportunity to to play those tapes in court which shows all events that happened. you usually don't have that. this is a treasure of evidence that you have in your reach. >> linda one last question for put. if you're the defense attorney in this case and that's a role you're familiar with, you have the advantage of having the cops help you by not charging him and saying there was not sufficient evidence and then the prosecutors not charging him would you bring that into the
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while and say, look, they weren't even sure if they should arrest this guy and how much will that help zimmerman in in the actual trial if there is one. >> if you're the defense attorney you're doing exactly what zimmerman is doing now. you're trying to sway public opinion. yes you will bring that in. but the problem is once you bring that in, then it opens all the door for all the cops who wanted him arrested. it's a two-edge sword here. ultimately zimmerman has to testify. ultimately this case will come down to whether a jury likes or dislikes zimmerman, and believes or disbelieves his story. >> i want to thank everyone here for joining us. linda, eugene thank so much. we got to take a break here. when we come back we'll talk about drone attacks. the administration says they don't necessarily happen. we've got a lot of evidence that they, in fact, do. including some people who are dead. michael hastings is the perfect
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guy to talk to about that when we return. >> what is even more important the objective ♪ ♪ spearmint that tingles as you chew. 5 gum. stimulate your senses.
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>>i'm a political junkie. this show is my fix. [[vo]]this former two-term governor is ...
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ebruary. so get allstate. [ dennis ] dollar for dollar nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate agents. [ male announcer ] at green giant we know nature gives us the most nutritious of gifts. but only when they are ready to be given. that's why green giant picks vegetables at their peak. ...and freezes them fast locking in nutrients ...for you to unwrap. ♪ ho, ho, ho. green giant ♪ [ man ] ring ring... progresso this reduced sodium soup says it may help lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. capital one is issuing a venture
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double miles challenge. show us how much you spent last year and we'll give you 2 miles for every dollar spent on your travel reward card. up to 100,000 miles! hawaii, here we come. claim your miles at today! what's in your wallet? can you play games on that? not on the runway. no. >> all right back onioning turks. so marijuana legalization. none of the politicians are near that, so the american people must not be in favor of it, wrong again, bob. they're totally in favor of it. a rasmussen poll, 47% now in
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favor of legalizing marijuana. 42% opposed and 10% are high, no they're undecided. 50% on the gallup poll saying, legal it. let's go, gets go. and in some places it's legal like california, at least medicinal marijuana and that should be fine. but the cops track you any way. i'll let them run with it because they explain it really well, watch this. >> this all began in murrieta after we got a call about kevinkevinford and his honda civic. after going to a marijuana collective where he works at. and his car was impounded. look what he found under his vehicle, a tracking device. >> i was in disbelief. i didn't think they would go to
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such extent to track my whereabouts. >> this is chill forgive most people. wow, here is law enforcement going into the 21st century, and what it's allowing them to do. >> so now i want to bring in the legal expert and former california prosecutor robin sacks. and i want to ask robin what in the world they are thinking here because this should be legal in los angeles. >> we have lost robin. we'll come back and find out what the hell they're thinking in a second. let me bring in damon, who is in miami right now. he's reporter for business insider. david, great to have you here as well. first of all i have a really broad question for you. if the american people think we should legalize pot and this president ran on reforms focus on preventionenties etc. what are we doing on this
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gigantic war on drugs. >> here is the problem cenk, if i may. if your previous segment before the break i heard your guest say the lesser of two evils. this is talking about the drone strikes but a lot of people have been using that same phrase to defend obama on all kinds of issues. and in 2008 i didn't know i was voting for the lesser of two evils. i didn't know i was voting for a guy who was slightly less evil than crazy john mccain. and obama's policies on the war on drugs is pretty much the status quo the same as bush. he could rain in his justice department and rein in on this. for people who don't do drugs they don't care about what happens to someone who does do drugs. there was a story of a young mother in tulsa, oklahoma. she was sentenced for 12 years
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in prison for a 31-year-old drug transaction. her life is ruined. she just got caught up with the wrong thing at the wrong time. now she's in a prison cell. when she gets out 12 years from now. she'll an different person and her kids will no longer be her kids. this is what is happening all over the country. the thugs in law enforcement who arrest people like this young mother, they go, well, i'm just doing my job. i'm following policy. at the end of the day they don't care they're ruining somebody's life. those of us who don't smoke don't use weed or any of these other drugs we don't care what happens to these people. there are these other terrorists drug user terrorists. you want to know how drone strikes and the patriot act happens because it was beta tested for what is happening now. >> i want to strongly object. i'm the one who used lesser of two evils. i did not mean it about
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president obama. i said if drone strikes are the lesser of two evils for war strikes in iraq or god for bid iran. i do not think that problem president obama is the lesser of two evils and i support him wholeheartedly. >> it's good to have progressives in the house with a lot of opinions. and it's great to get everybody's opinions. i want to bring in robin. he showed the piece from your station. the part i don't under and maybe you can sprain to me. why are the cops doing this gps thing, if it's legal p and second of all are the cops' actions legal? >> well, first of all we don't know exactly the timing of when everything went down. the supreme court made a decision at the end of january 2012 that you must get a warrant in order to have a gps tracking device. we don't know in this particular case when this device was put on
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because the owner of the car found it when his car was taken to the car dealership. we know that it does belong to the police department because whenwhen he went to go to his lawyer, his lawyer called the police department and they said, yes, that is our gps tracking device. they asked for a copy of the warrant. they haven't gotten the warrant yet. that would help determine whether or not there is probable cause. but the story gets more outrageous then the gps device on the car. when the guy called his lawyer and they notified the police department, that very night he took the gps device to the lawyer's office. it was placed in a safe. that night there was a break in at the law firm where the only thing that looked like that was messed with was the safe. when the lawyer called for a police department to be taken about this break in. the police refused to document
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the event. it's really shady stuff going on in murrieta. >> thank you for bringing that forward. michael hastings, let me go to you for a second. i know your cowriter at the "rolling stone" wrote about the war on drugs and president obama has brought in someone on the dea, and she has gotten harsh on drugs. why did he go in that direction? it's not like there was a clamoring to go to the dea. >> i think you have an entrenchinged bureaucracy and is obama going to push back against that. i took a couple of bong hits and went on the dea website to check
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it out and it was shocking what i found. that the dea has been trying to irradicate marijuana from california and hawai'i since is the1979 and they feel like they've been doing a great job. in new york city $75 million was spent to arrest people, and thousands of people are picked up all the time and frisked in the searches that we have going on in new york. but in terms of why president obama has not taken a harder line for a line item that i'm sure metro of his supporters would want him to take, i think that's characteristic of what has been on tough issues he doesn't want to use political capitol if there is no gain for it. >> thank you for joining us, guys, we'll be right back. all multivitamins give me the basics. they claim to be complete. only centrum goes beyond. providing more than just
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idaho this proved to be political poison. women are paying attention and having their voices heard. >> thanks for coming in. >> the aclu considers a demand that to get a job you have to let an employer open your private mail, the senate wants to make it illegal to hand over a password to your facebook account. [ male announcer ] cookies with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter.
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>> all right we're back on "the young turks." sheldon adelson is newt gringrich's sugar daddy. he was interviewed and he talked about newt gringrich and mitt romney. >> rick santorum is a--this man has no history whatsoever of creating anything or taking risks. now that having been said, i know rick. i like him. we're friendly. but i got to tell you something. i don't want him to run my country. the problem with romney, i said to romney many many times. everything i said to mitt, he's like obama. i favored newt gringrich because i like people who make decisions. >> he reminds me when i
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interviewed grover norquist, and i said what is the distinguishes between them. he said they have to get back to you. i don't like that this guy won't guarantee that he won't do exactly as i told him. >> mitt did go on record. he said, i won't tell you what i would do because i'll lose. >> that's true. >> he needs to not talk before the election. that's the only chance he has. >> and you if you take my interpretation as something positive about it, maybe he'll do exactly what the donors asked him to do. >> if you're paying for it, you want your product. if i go to the ford dealership and i want my car so is it going to drive off the lot and he says, i'll get back to you i'm not going to take the car.
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>> romney has no gms for core principles. he's searching for something to get back to you on. no spine something. >> there are problems with mitt romney. you've pain doesn't have much of a place in my life. i checked the schedule and it's not on it. [ laughs ] you never know when advil® is needed. well most people only know one side of my life. they see me on stage and they think that that is who i am. singer, songwriter philanthropist, father life's a juggling act. when i have to get through the pain, i know where to go. [ male announcer ] take action. take advil®. save on advil® with our special coupon in select newspapers this sunday.
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>> we are back on "the young turks," and we're pretty much out of time. i want to thank everyone, michael hastings from "rolling stone" who will be joining buzz feed indian within days. and contributers of the operators. thank you, michael, we appreciate it. stephanie miller is host of the stephanie miller show. this is your first week. >> i know, right? a little nervous. a new by.
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